

Join Patricia for a day-long healing practice, where she will show you how to heal your pain through healing ritual practices.

The loss of an unborn baby is one of the most painful kinds of grief. It is also one of the most misunderstood and consequently those who have suffered such bereavement usually do not receive the comfort and understanding they need to heal. Even worse, the usual ceremonial practices that attend death are usually not available to the families and at times, there are no remains to be returned or interred.

Ritual is a hugely healing practice to soothe the aching soul and psyche. For centuries, the Japanese have held healing rituals to mourn the loss of unborn or very young babies. Throughout the country, there are memorial grounds to honor these little souls, who are guarded by the benevolent figure of Jizo.           

I invite you to join me for a daylong healing practice, where I will show you how to heal your pain through inviting the healing presence of Jizo into your life. I will teach you how to create a ritual and a living memorial in your home to honor your loss and heal your pain. Making a shrine to our loss enables us to tend our garden in the most fundamental way. Creating a garden from a grave, connects our grief with the earth and with nature, of which we are a part. Jizo allows us to bring our silent pain out of the shadows, healing ourselves and those around us.

The upcoming day-long workshop will include an introduction to Jizo, meditations on grief and healing, rituals for tending to grief, and a special ceremony to honor your loss. The workshop cost includes a beautiful, handmade healing ritual kit from Seed and Flame, to which you are welcome to add articles, flowers or any objects which are meaningful to you.

The date is yet to be confirmed, but please check back here weekly for updates, and register for the RITUAL workshop on this page: